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Following are the duties and responsibilities for the positions as Officers or Advisors/Directors-at-Large that the Chapter may elect to fill:
- President – The President is the senior executive officer of the Chapter and is responsible for providing leadership and direction of Chapter affairs. The President is principally responsible for assuring continuing Chapter leadership development and orderly officer succession. In addition, the President shall preside over the Board meetings and over Chapter meetings; shall coordinate activities with and among Chapter officers; shall be responsible for development and maintenance of the Chapter's bylaws; and shall be primarily responsible for development of the Chapter's professional relationships. The President is the principal representative of the Chapter in all matters related to its dealings and relationship with the National Investor Relations Institute and serves as liaison with NIRI National to update National on Chapter activities.
- Communications Chair – The Communications Chair has principal responsibility for ensuring a consistent, two-way dialog with the membership. In addition, the Communications Chair is responsible for developing and executing communications plans to strive to increase the awareness of NIRI within the community.
Additional responsibilities might include:
- Utilize the most effective means to communicate with the Chapter's audiences (members and non- members), employing the latest services and technologies to distribute Chapter announcements and meeting notices.
- Working with the Program Chair, distribute Chapter event notices to Chapter lists. Publicize Chapter events in local and trade press.
- Prepare newsletter to accompany meeting notices and for distribution at Chapter events.
- Prepare and distribute Board Meeting minutes.
- Maintain notebook with minutes from all Board meetings and other Chapter communications.
- Develop and maintain a Chapter web site presence.
- Maintain up-to-date electronic copy Chapter letterhead and distribute to Board members.
- Membership Chair – The Membership Chair is responsible for developing and executing ongoing programs relating to membership retention and new member recruitment.
Additional responsibilities might include:
- Publicize Chapter services to both members and non-members to create awareness of the benefits of membership at both local and national levels.
- Maintain the most up-to-date distribution lists for members and non-members.
- Working with the President, develop and maintain a contact list of potential new members and community friends.
- Alert those members whose dues have lapsed.
- Review monthly membership and prospect reports from NIRI National.
- Update Chapter distribution lists as needed. Initiate contact with prospects.
- Report status at Board meetings.
- oordinate with NIRI National to ensure timely updating of Chapter membership records, as well as identifying member prospects.
- Develop and distribute NIRI information packages.
- Develop and execute a new member welcome program (i.e. letter, Chapter information).
- Ensure that membership information is available at each chapter event. Attend each Chapter event, or designate a Membership Chair representative.
- Organize a Chapter phone tree for prospecting and meeting reminders.
- Program Chair – The Program Chair is responsible for planning, developing and executing all Chapter programs, including meetings and any special events. The Chair shall, in conjunction with the Board and with other volunteers as appropriate, determine program topics, arrange for speakers (either contacting them directly or asking another Board member to do so), arrange the format of the meetings (speaker, subject, time, place, etc.) and disseminate the Chapter event notice. The Chapter event notice
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is to be distributed at least three weeks prior to the event and followed by distribution of a second notice one week prior to the event.
Additional responsibilities include:
- Select the site for chapter meetings, with advice and guidance from the Board.
- Overseeing meeting room setup and logistics, including audio/visual needs.
- Sleeping room accommodations, as needed.
- Selection of food/beverage to be served.
- Advising host facility of number of attendees in accordance with the host's requirements.
- Overseeing the acceptance of reservations for Chapter events
- Overseeing the management of the registration desk at Chapter events.
- Preparing nametags for each attendee.
- Preparing a list of actual attendees.
- Overseeing the collection of fees and the delivery to attendees of receipts as needed.
- Overseeing the reconciliation of collections and forward all event payments to Treasurer for deposit into account. Also, provide information to Treasurer on non-attendees and anyone else that must be billed for the event.
- Working closely with Membership Chair to ensure that prospective new members are identified and appropriately welcomed to the Chapter.
- Ensuring that handouts are available and distributed, as appropriate, at each event (i.e. meeting feedback evaluations, surveys, speaker materials, information request forms).
- Maintaining a notebook with information of each Chapter event, including copy of invitation, list of attendees and meeting outcomes report.
- Selecting and purchase speaker gifts and other Chapter gifts, as needed, with advice and guidance from Board.
- Sending follow-up thank you letter to speakers.
- Treasurer – The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the sound financial position of the Chapter, for the receipt and disbursement of Chapter funds, and for meeting the tax and regulatory filing obligations of the Chapter as a non-profit organization. The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate accounting of the Chapter's income, expenses and profitability. The Treasurer will maintain the Chapter's bank account and will make recommendations to the Board regarding billing, collect ions and investments. The Treasurer will provide the Board with monthly statements of profit and loss and will coordinate with the Program Chair to ensure good fiscal management for all Chapter events. The Treasurer and the President of the Chapter shall be authorized to sign checks drawn or otherwise disburse Chapter funds held in any depository. The Treasurer will follow-up with and collect fees from non-attendees who had confirmed attendance to Chapter events.
Additional responsibilities include:
- Ensuring the Collection of fees for Chapter events from Program Chair.
- Coordinating the collection of local Chapter dues with the National Investor Relations Institute and the Chapter's Professional Development Chair, as appropriate.
- Preparing annual chapter operating budget.
- Maintaining and managing the Chapter's checking and other bank accounts, including event fee payment accounts and systems.
- Reporting to the Board and the President, on a periodic basis, of the financial condition of the Chapter.
- Submitting annual financial summary to NIRI National as required.
- Ensuring that the Chapter is in compliance with tax and other governmental filing requirements.
- Ensuring that expenditures of more than $1,000 are approved by the President before Chapter funds are disbursed.
- Advisors/Directors-at-Large – The Advisors/Directors-at-Large are key advisors to the Board and the Chapter on matters of Chapter policy and operations. As active participants in ongoing Board and Chapter activities, he/she must attend the Board meetings and have a specific assignment to serve on the Board. In addition Advisors/Directors-at-Large are responsible for guiding the short and long-term
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growth of the Chapter. He or she, in conjunction with the Board, will drive the development of objectives and goals to meet the investor education needs of the membership.
Along with the President, Advisors/Directors-at-Large define their specific assignment for the year and will frequently volunteer to assume other tactical responsibilities for projects or other Board work. The Advisors/Directors-at-Large will vote on all Board matters and will lend their expertise to Board work and other Chapter and community interactions.